Since all homes in Briar Chapel are required to exceed the ENERGY STAR rating, they qualify for Rate 102 (high efficiency residential service). As a result, homeowners pay $.05 per therm less than under otherwise applicable Rate 101.
This discount isn't automatic, however. You must mail, fax or email the ENERGY STAR certificate or equivalent documentation you received from your builder or Southern Energy Management to PSNC in order to qualify:
This discount isn't automatic, however. You must mail, fax or email the ENERGY STAR certificate or equivalent documentation you received from your builder or Southern Energy Management to PSNC in order to qualify:
Builder/Commercial Group
PSNC Energy
PO Box 1398
Gastonia, NC 28053-1398
Fax: 704-810-3118
E-mail: PSNCBuilderGroup@scana.com
Should you have questions regarding the discounted rate, please contact PSNC directly at 1-877-776-2427. Otherwise, if you're interested in purchasing a home in Briar Chapel and take advantage of this discount, please email or call me at 919-360-1285.